On 20.10.16 2:21 , Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Michael Marth <mma...@adobe.com> wrote:
...So I have a proposal: when a new public API is added the developer should 
drop an
email with subject tag [REVIEW] onto the dev list, so that others are aware and 
chime in if needed...

The Oak team can also just decide that new APIs are to be handled in
R-T-C mode instead of C-T-R.

It's kind of the same thing but using standard Apache terminology ;-)

But then all strictness of RTC is not necessary IMO. In many cases it is easier to commit, review and iterate.

My main concern is ensuring API changes get a broad enough review involving enough members of the team. The aim is to avoid island solutions driven by the need to fix a single issue in one place. We need to ensure the APIs evolve in a consistent and generally useful way. A good way of doing this is to involve other people in the discussion who work in different areas as this would usually widen the scope.

My proposal would be to still keep it informal but involve the dev list a bit more explicitly by tagging the subject either with [API] or [REVIEW] or even [RTC] if so desired. These tags should signal other team members to get involved even though the poster usually works on something outside one's area of expertise.


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