hi davide

could you elaborate a bit on your proposal? from the names (oak-operations
and oak-development) it's not clear to me what code would go into which
module... also i am not sure about deleting oak-run. for the sake of
limiting impact (also when it comes to the backport you mention later on)
i would rather suggest to move out code that doesn't belong there and keep
stuff that more naturally fits into 'run': so, only one additional module
and no deletion.

as far as backporting to all branches is concerned: that's for sure not
feasible for the benchmarks i have been putting into oak-run when
introducing new features and improvements.

kind regards

On 09/02/17 20:28, "Davide Giannella" <dav...@apache.org> wrote:

>hello team,
>while having a bit of time I resumed the topic grouped in the epic
>Part of the discussion we already had in the past 1 or two years is that
>oak-run is big and begin to be a challenge during releases and the fact
>that we could split development functionalities from production tooling
>would allow us to remove quite a bunch of libraries from the jar
>deployed on mvn for production tooling and will leave the development
>one not deployed.
>Main scratching I have now is: assuming we proceed what about backports?
>So i thought the following:
>- main goal: create oak-operations and oak-development modules.
>Eventaully delete oak-run.
>- backport these on all the branches. Up to what version? Can we blindly
>backport all of the stuff?
>- what are the differences nowadays in oak-run between branches?
>Repository construction? others?

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