On 20/04/2017 19:30, Matt Ryan wrote:
> I misremembered above when I was describing a possible implementation.  I
> was thinking we'd add a method to the delegate, but that would be added to
> the DataStore interface, obviously (not BlobStore or
> GarbageCollectibleBlobStore).  Likewise, the default implementation would
> exist in AbstractDataStore (not AbstractBlobStore).

I like the idea overall and I'm not familiar with the DS codebase so
what I'm saying can be wrong.

If I think about the idea without knowing the current implementation I
would expect some sort of API which allows for the Visitor pattern to be
leveraged. In this way in an OSGi environment we could simply pull in
all the Visitor services and act and in plain java it will be more
around the repository construction/configuration.

The overall approach would allow as well, oak based applications, to
implement their own business dedicated strategies by simply implementing
the strategy (Visitor) and, in case of OSGi, simply deploy the service.

Each strategy, for OSGi use case, would have to require configuration to
be active which will allow for a very fine grained repository configuration.

As I said at the beginning, I'm not familiar at all with the current
codebase and don't know what we could actually do even by changing the API.


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