On 2018-06-27 18:10, Matt Ryan wrote:
Hi Bertrand,

On June 27, 2018 at 4:33:05 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz (bdelacre...@apache.org)

Hi Matt,

From the Sling clients perspective I'm interested in making this
somewhat transparent, maybe something like:

For downloads, a client requests
http://my.sling.instance/somebinary.jpg and is redirected to

For uploads, it's a bit more complicated - maybe the client POSTing to
Sling receives a 307 status with a JSON document that describes
where/how to upload. In this case the client requires some knowledge
of this new API, unless someone has a better idea.

Do you see any obstacles in implementing something like this on top of
your suggested API?

It seems to me the download case should work as you’ve described.  Sling
could ask for a download URL, and if it gets one Sling can send a redirect
to that URL; if not, Sling can then issue the request as is currently done

Keep in mind that redirecting to a cloud URI is likely to break relative references contained in a document....

Best regards, Julian

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