
I need to find out whether the Oak similarity search functionality is
active. I talked to Tommaso and he recommended doing a search under
/oak:index [1].

That works fine [2] but I need to use a service user to do that, which
is suboptimal.

Would it be possible for Oak to provide this capability information in
a different way that does not require a JCR Session? I suppose the
functionality is available if a specific version of the oak-lucene
bundle is installed, so the following options come to mind:

a) Adding an OSGi Provide-Capability header to that bundle, that's a
trivial change to that bundle's build

b) Providing that information in the JCR Repository object's Descriptors

Both would work fine for my use case - if a) is acceptable I'm happy
to provide a patch, for b) I would need more research.


[1] /jcr:root/oak:index//* [@useInSimilarity = true]

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