
I'm investigating OAK-8013 and looking for more opinions on what to do.
The problem is not as simple to solve as it seems due to inconsistent
behavior in Azure, which appears to be a bug in their SDK, and I'm not sure
how to handle this in the meantime.

The basic issue for OAK-8013 relates to how we specify the value for the
Content-Disposition header to be set on a direct download.  When requesting
a direct binary download URI, both S3 and Azure allow us to specify the
value that the provider should put in the Content-Disposition header when
the URI is requested.

Currently, Oak does not properly encode the "filename*" portion of this
value, which can lead to parsing errors for clients that parse the
response.  See OAK-8013 for details.

Properly encoding the "filename*" part works great in S3, but not in Azure
due to some odd behaviors in how they sign the URI and how (and when) they
encode the URI parameters.  See OAK-8013 for details; ultimately this
appears to be a bug in the Azure SDK, but it is probably too early to state
this definitively.

I think the proper way to solve this problem is for me to try to resolve
this with the Azure SDK project.  I have concerns about how long that might
take however, and in the meantime we have an implementation that does not
work well for Azure.

I can see two possible workarounds, neither of which I like:
- Encode the filename in the "filename*" portion of the header twice, let
the Azure SDK mess around with it when signing the URI, then fix it back to
what it should be before sending the URI back to the client.  It is an ugly
hack but appears to work in the testing.
- Don't include the "filename*" portion of the header at all, which would
mean that filenames with special characters wouldn't be supported

Either fix would probably have to be done to trunk and backported to 1.10,
and then fixed again in both branches (plus any newer releases) once there
was a fix in Azure - if that happens.

Looking for feedback on this.  WDYT?


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