Hi oak-dev,

I'm asking for your feedback on two proposed improvements to direct binary

As we've been testing the use of direct binary access we've come across a
couple of interesting edge cases.  I've created proposals for these edge
cases in OAK-8519 and OAK-8520.

OAK-8519 - When requesting a direct download URI, if one cannot be
generated the API returns null.  But there are multiple cases where null
can be returned.  OAK-8519 proposes that we clear up this potential
ambiguity and help clients know better why the URI was not created.

OAK-8520 - If a client issues a call to complete a binary upload more than
one time with the same token, it is possible to overwrite an existing
binary this way.  This proposal is to check to see if a binary already
exists before completing the upload.

Please take a minute to read the issues, and if you have thoughts please
chime in on the relevant issue(s).


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