> I am searching using SQL-2  to create
queries, those examples don't look familiar to me.

//element(*, app:Asset)[jcr:contains(., ‘image’)] in sql2 would look like
select [jcr:path] from [app:Asset] where contains(*, 'image')

//element(*, app:Asset)[jcr:contains(jcr:content/metadata/@format,
‘image’)] in sql2 would look like select [jcr:path] from [app:Asset] where
contains(jcr:content/metadata/format, 'image')

Basically, nodeScopeIndex does a fulltext search on the whole selected node
(that is the indexed property is indexed as if the node has the value being
indexed). Otoh, analyzed would do fulltext search on the property being
indexed itself.

All that said, could you please open a doc issue to improve the language
and add sql2 examples.

(sent from mobile)

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