Hi Alexander

Thanks for the detailed report and analysis.
May I suggest that you create a ticket at 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/OAK/issues with component documentmk 
providing all the details and attaching the patch? I think that's the best way 
to move forward.

Unfortunately, I am not sufficiently familiar with that area of Oak to review 
the proposed modification, but Marcel Reutegger and Julian Reschke will for 
sure be able to provide you with feedback and suggestions and I would suggest 
you ping them directly in the Jira ticket.

Kind regards

From: Alexander Lüders <a...@entimo.de>
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 3:19 PM
To: oak-dev@jackrabbit.apache.org <oak-dev@jackrabbit.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Slow performance in AbstractNodeState.equals

Hi again,

digging deeper I derived following patch which solved the performance issue:

IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
    (revision 17ea60b0bfb0ca3670c99208170a774a6c99fdfc)
    (date 1595575140063)
@@ -83,7 +83,11 @@
             // revision does not match: might still be equals
         } else if (that instanceof ModifiedNodeState) {
             ModifiedNodeState modified = (ModifiedNodeState) that;
-            if (modified.getBaseState() == this) {
+            NodeState baseState = modified.getBaseState();
+            if (baseState instanceof ModifiedDocumentNodeState) {
+                baseState = ((ModifiedDocumentNodeState) 
+            }
+            if (baseState == this) {
                 return EqualsDiff.equals(this, modified);

I am not entirely sure that this is correct but comparing with the 
ModifiedDocumentNodeState#equals method, I assume it to be.
The latter method compares the passed object with its baseState not the 
ModifiedDocumentNodeState instance itself. This is the prime difference when 
comparing the differences of ModifiedDocumentNodeState#equals and 
The patch above transfers that logic to AbstractNodeDocumentState#equals.

What do you think?

Many thanks for your help.
Best regards,
Alexander Lüders

Am 23.07.2020 um 17:26 schrieb Alexander Lüders:
Dear Jackrabbit Oak developers,

we are currently trying to hunt down a performance issue we are facing at a 
customer site.
We strongly need your help on this so any comments would be greatly appreciated.

We have a MongoDB as a backend of a Oak repository where we see hundreds of 
expensive queries being executed during a rather simple operation.
It happens when we are saving a session in which we added a child node to a 
node already containing a very large number of children.
This has not been the case with Jackrabbit Oak 1.4.8 and 1.4.26 but it is an 
issue with 1.10.8 and 1.22.3.
Newer versions have not been tested yet but looking at the source we believe 
that they will show that performance issue too.

What we know so far:

* The queries against the MongoDocumentStore are triggered via 
AbstractNodeState.equals (see stacktrace below)
* A TODO "inefficient unless there are very few child nodes" in that method 
indicates poor performance but this has been there since a long time and cannot 
explain the issue
* OAK-7401 introduced the class ModifiedDocumentNodeState class which is not 
inheriting ModifiedNodeState or AbstractDocumentNodeState (see class 
inheritance diagram)
* AbstractDocumentNodeState#equals is checking against instances of 
ModifiedNodeState and AbstractDocumentNodeState but not 
* AbstractDocumentNodeState#equals triggers the "slow" AbstractNodeState#equals 
as a last resort

We definitely do not see the full picture yet but guessing from a high-level 
perspective it looks like the introduction of ModifiedDocumentNodeState broke 
the equals logic in class AbstractDocumentNodeState.

Would you agree with that conclusion?
Is there anything further I can provide?

MongoDocumentStore.query(Collection<T>, String, String, String, long, int) 
line: 609
MongoDocumentStore.query(Collection<T>, String, String, int) line: 598
DocumentNodeStore.readChildDocs(String, String, int) line: 1293
DocumentNodeStore.readChildren(AbstractDocumentNodeState, String, int) line: 
DocumentNodeStore$7.call() line: 1185
DocumentNodeStore$7.call() line: 1182
LocalCache$LocalManualCache$1.load(Object) line: 4724
LocalCache$LoadingValueReference<K,V>.loadFuture(K, CacheLoader<? super K,V>) 
line: 3522
LocalCache$Segment<K,V>.loadSync(K, int, LoadingValueReference<K,V>, 
CacheLoader<? super K,V>) line: 2315
LocalCache$Segment<K,V>.lockedGetOrLoad(K, int, CacheLoader<? super K,V>) line: 
LocalCache$Segment<K,V>.get(K, int, CacheLoader<? super K,V>) line: 2193
LocalCache<K,V>.get(K, CacheLoader<? super K,V>) line: 3932
LocalCache$LocalManualCache<K,V>.get(K, Callable<? extends V>) line: 4721
DocumentNodeStore.getChildren(AbstractDocumentNodeState, String, int) line: 1182
DocumentNodeState.getChildNodeCount(long) line: 293
AbstractNodeState.equals(NodeState, NodeState) line: 375
DocumentNodeState(AbstractDocumentNodeState).equals(Object) line: 91
AbstractNodeState.equals(NodeState, NodeState) line: 384
DocumentNodeState(AbstractDocumentNodeState).equals(Object) line: 91
DocumentNodeStoreBranch$InMemory.setRoot(NodeState) line: 481
DocumentNodeStoreBranch.setRoot(NodeState) line: 111
DocumentRootBuilder.purge() line: 185
DocumentRootBuilder.merge(CommitHook, CommitInfo) line: 163
DocumentNodeStore.merge(NodeBuilder, CommitHook, CommitInfo) line: 1869
MutableRoot.commit(Map<String,Object>) line: 250
RepositoryImpl$1(SessionDelegate).commit(Root, String) line: 346
RepositoryImpl$1(SessionDelegate).save(String) line: 493
SessionImpl$8.performVoid() line: 424
RepositoryImpl$1(SessionDelegate).performVoid(SessionOperation<Void>) line: 273
SessionImpl.save() line: 421

Class inheritance diagram:


Many thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Alexander Lüders

Alexander Lüders, Entimo AG
Senior Software Engineer

Stralauer Platz 33-34 | 10243 Berlin | Germany

Tel  +49(0)30 520 024 131
Fax  +49(0)30 520 024 101
mailto:a...@entimo.com | http://www.entimo.com

Vorstand: Marc Jantke (Vors.), Sven Prasse
Aufsichtratsvorsitzende: Erika Tannenbaum
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin, Germany  | Handelsregister: HRB 
Berlin-Charlottenburg 85073

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