I think that works for those browsers if no certificates are installed for the browser.   We should test, but I think if any certificates are available to the browser then it will prompt.

John B.

On 12/17/2018 1:52 PM, Neil Madden wrote:
I am currently running a Tomcat instance that I have configured to support, but 
not demand, client certificates using the 
certificateVerification=“optionalNoCA” setting. With this config I am able to 
authenticate a confidential client using mTLS, and yet connecting to the same 
server over HTTPS in either Safari or Chrome on Mac does not prompt me for any 
certificate. I don’t have any client certificates configured in my browser, so 
does this only happen if you do?

Depending on the deployment scenario, it may also be possible to terminate TLS 
at a proxy and use a separate proxy for (intranet) mTLS clients vs public 
clients, but that may not suit every deployment.

— Neil

On 17 Dec 2018, at 20:26, Brian Campbell 
<bcampbell=40pingidentity....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

While there's been some disagreement about the specific wording etc., there 
does seem to be general consensus coming out of this WG to, in one form or 
another, recommend against the use of the implicit grant in favor of 
authorization code. In order to follow that recommendation, in-browser 
JavaScript clients will need to use XHR/fetch (and likely CORS) to make 
requests directly to the token endpoint.

Meanwhile there is the MTLS document utilizes TLS client certificates at the 
token endpoint for client authentication and/or certificate bound access 
tokens. The security BCP draft even recommends sender/key constrained access 
tokens and MTLS is close to the only viable way to do that at this time.

Unfortunately, however, these two things don't play very nice together. When a 
browser makes a TLS connection where a client cert is requested by the server 
in the handshake, even when client certificates are optional and even when it's 
fetch/XHR, most/many/all browsers will throw up some kind of certificate 
selection interface to the user.  Which is typically a very very bad user 
experience. From a practical standpoint, this means that a single deployment 
cannot really support the MTLS draft and have in-browser JavaScript clients 
using authorization code at the same time.

In order to address the conflict here, I'd propose that the MTLS draft 
introduce a new optional AS metadata parameter that is an MTLS enabled token 
endpoint alias. Clients that are doing MTLS client authentication and/or 
certificate bound access tokens would/should/must use the alternative token 
endpoint when present in the AS's metadata. While all other clients continue to 
use the standard token endpoint as they always have. This would allow for an AS 
to deploy an alternative token endpoint alias on a distinct host or port where 
it will request client certs in the TLS handshake for OAuth clients that use it 
while keeping the regular token endpoint as it normally is for other clients, 
especially in-browser JavaScript clients.

Thoughts, objections, agreements, etc., on this proposal?

PS Bikeshedding on a name for the metadata parameter is also welcome. Some 
ideas to start:

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