Avery - Some errors in your note.

First of all - there are still missing (BAR, result pages for each series,
etc.) and broken things (seed sheets not correct for each series, failure to
accomodate different distances ridden in WTT Invitational, wrecked up team
names, etc.) on the official site. The  only sites which currently have the
correct material are http://www3.sympatico.ca/celia.mcinnis/tt/2002/  for the
open series and  http://www3.sympatico.ca/celia.mcinnis/wtt/2002/index.html
for the Women's series. And the season is pretty much done by now...

Also - the official link to last years results is WRONG. The correct link is
http://www.geocities.com/ottawabicycleclub/ . Please ensure that this is
corrected. I am asking this as the person who was the official time trial web
keeper last year, and the  year before, and the year before, ...

You can't possibly have expected me to take your "offer" sent to me on Aug 19
2002 21:21 seriously! It was extremely insulting and showed absolutely no just
consideration for one such as myself who had donated more than 1000 hours of
time to the club over the last few years! Rod was certainly more pleasant, but
equally non-negotiable.

I NEVER "categorically refused (in writing)" to put TT results on the obc site
- I merely stated to Rod (in writing) my current PREFERENCE for keeping them
on my personal space and having the obcweb link to them. I gave good reasons
for this preference, and in fact stated to Rod that if I found the board to be
more reasonable in the near future than it had been in the previous half year,
I could certainly change my preference. Most of us negotiate on the way to an

Also, I NEVER resigned as TT webmaster - This was a job which I have enjoyed
doing for the previous 5 seasons. The TT webmaster job was always independent
of the obc webmaster job until I, as the TT webmaster, was asked to ALSO serve
as the obc webmaster.

In actual fact, I did NOT even resign as obc webmaster - There was a reading
comprehension problem of the board members. ("I FEEL that I have no choice but
to ...." (written in frustration with Rod's refusal to modify his web plans in
the light of my well-grounded technical concerns and corrective input - and we
can all see the problems which resulted on the current obcweb from this
failure to deal with such concerns!) is many steps shy of an affirmation...).

Sorry, but I just don't think that dictatorships work - and most especially
not amongst volunteers! I'm an intelligent, hard-working, productive
individual, a keen cyclist, and, yes, "unofficially" of course, an anarchist!


P.S.: As Bakunin said "An Anarchist is one who neither oppresses nor will be

Avery Burdett wrote:

> Hi Jackie,
> Sorry I haven't replied sooner, although I did post a general message in
> reply to a similar plea by Erika Revesz. (copy below)
> Jackie MacDonald wrote:
> > I don't understand the problem re. putting the TT results on the OBC
> > website. Surely there should at least be a link to Celia's site. She
> > does a superb job at getting out the results quickly and presenting them
> > in a grand variety of formats. I would like to express my appreciation
> > of the great contribution she is making. The time trials are an
> > important part of the club program and the results should be available
> > on or through the club website.
> > Jackie MacDonald
> >
> The results are on the OBC website at:
>      http/www.cyberus.ca/~obcweb/open_tt.shtml
> Celia was asked to help us put the results on the OBC website but
> categorically refused (in writing).
> When Celia voluntarily resigned at the beginning of 2002, Rod Plunkett
> and his brother Randy had to build a new set of TT procedures and pages.
> This has been a work in progress and there are a lot more enhancements
> to come but it is now beginning to provide functions not available on
> the old system.
> The information on the official club site is up to date and accurate
> Celia's is not. This is nothing personal against Celia. It's just that
> these are the facts the Board has had to deal with.
> Hope this helps to clear the air.
> Avery
> ps Some time ago you enquired about my experiences in Spain. I have
> since put up a private web site for people who have enquired.
> It's at: http://www.magma.ca/~ocbc/private.html
> My post to OBC List Aug 21, 2002:
> >>I've been very reluctant to get involved in this because this forum is
> >>not the place to discuss such disputes, but you Erika, like others, are
> >>misinformed.
> Celia wasn't displaced as webmaster, she resigned long ago. A new
> webmaster was appointed, long ago. Celia has had the opportunity to
> assist us in putting up official TT results but has been unable to
> accept the "rules" of participation. Even this week, Celia once again
> rejected any authority the Board would have over work she might do on
> the club's behalf.
> There'll be no link to the site or endorsement of it. The information on
> the site is inaccurate and to make it accurate means more work for the
> club. Current efforts to update the official site are made more
> difficult by Celia's unauthorized interception of results data. There
> are other factors which I'm not prepared to air here. The Board has
> discussed this issue to death. The team has moved on to doing other
> tasks.
> I suggest any further reasonable comments or questions be addressed
> privately to Board members.>>
> Erika Revesz wrote:
> >>I do not understand why Celia was displaced as webmaster. She is a
> top programmer and one of the best mathematician in her company, where
> she routinely solves programming problems that her colleagues can't. As
> an indication of her abilities she was selected to participate at the
> Institute of Advanced Computer studies in the USA. She certainly knows
> her stuff, I would be quite happy to have her expertise available to me.
> She usually posts the OBC TT results as soon as she arrives home from
> the TT, most of the time delaying supper. There is no way I could do
> that. Her webpage is very clear, and everything is readily available
> without delays.
> I am personally extremely grateful to her for the sacrifice she makes in
> terms of her time and effort to provide us with this service.
> Erika Revesz>>
> -------------------------------------------------
> For list help, please send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Club Office:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (613) 230-1064
> Website: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.cyberus.ca/~obcweb
> Newsletter:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -------------------------------------------------

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Club Office:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (613) 230-1064
Website: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.cyberus.ca/~obcweb
Newsletter:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

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