Pak DE mana yah?

Butuh translate lagi neh....

-----Original Message-----
From: "slamet gaplek" <>
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 2009 11:41:59 
To: <>
Subject: [ob] Re: LIZARD VS GODZILLA

hebat euy...
urang tasik bisa ngomong bahasa keriting

--- In, "brahmakumbara007" 
<brahmakumbara...@...> wrote:
> Let me see what U can do more with your testicoli, Dean Earflicker! You
> seemed too much satisfied with sucking french fries and peanuts then
> distributing them to people.  Let me spill this! We're still having
> "Jumbo Burger and Spaghetti Tornado to Come".   Go on learning to make
> paper analysis and read your management book.
> One more thing: don't be late at any lecture and never play affair with
> any female lecturer. Straighten your testicoli out of your campus in
> South Jakarta to get your further degree. Be straight, even if she opens
> her leg wide for U & sizzles into your flickering ears!
> Capisce Earflicker?
> Watch your back and keep your nose clean! Stata Buon! BK

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