On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 12:27:35PM +0200, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 08:02:56PM +0200, Benoît wrote:



Thanks for your reply !

I am new to offlineimap and using it for 2 weeks now in conjunction with

I would like to see if there is a way to use IDLE connection ?
I saw on the know issues that IDLE is (was?) experimental, the article
is from 2012 so I wonder if we can consider that IDLE is supported
correctly now ?

It's possible to enable IDLE. It was marked stable some years ago. I've
marked this feature experimental again due to unsolved issues.

I still consider IDLE not enough stable for most users.

I made intensive test and it seems that IDLE is not my friend !
Lot of time it is quicker for me to run without it on my test as I got lot of issue to receive mails with IDLE and I often need to restart offlineimap to receive mail again...

The reason why I am interested on IDLE is that I am using
mutt/offlineimap against a Office 365 account and they got an issue
where the connection needs more than 10sec to be able to push data...

So even if I reduce the connection to do a check every minute if is very

I think the best is to test and try.

The second issue I have is when my network connectivity is lost
(wireless week signal or simply put my computer to sleep and connecting
to another network when I open my computer again).

I realized that most of the time I need to restart the offline systemd
service because offline seems to hangs indefinitely... even if the
connection is working again it is impossible for offlineimap to find or
resolve the name of the IMAP server.

I saw some article speaking about that and advice to reduce the
socktimeout but it is not seems to work for me.

Any idea?

Recovering a working connection on unexpected connectivity loss is not
always well handled.

You might like to check the open issues on the official issues

1. https://github.com/OfflineIMAP/offlineimap/issues

Yes thanks I already had a look on all the 4 topics related to this subject but was not able to find a complete solution... I don't know if it is a good idea or not but I have added a "pkill -9 -f offlineimap" after my connection script and it seems to (at least) restart the connectitons from offlineimap to my servers now I have to see if it is enough or not for long connection without failures...

Nicolas Sebrecht


OfflineIMAP-project mailing list: OfflineIMAP-project@lists.alioth.debian.org

OfflineIMAP homepages:
- https://github.com/OfflineIMAP
- http://offlineimap.org

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