Hi Jonas,

Do you have any comments about it?

Thank you.

Kind regards,

- jupiter

On 8/12/19, JH <jupiter....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Giacinto,
> On 8/11/19, Giacinto Cifelli <gciof...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> can you check with the ofono script test/list-contexts if the method
>> is static or dhcp?
> # ofono/test/list-contexts
> [ /ubloxqmi_0 ]
>     [ /ubloxqmi_0/context1 ]
>         Name = Internet
>         Type = internet
>         AuthenticationMethod = chap
>         Settings = { Method=static Gateway=
> Netmask=}
>         Username =
>         AccessPointName = telstra.m2m
>         Password =
>         Protocol = ip
>         IPv6.Settings = { }
>         Active = 1
> Looks like it is static, how can change it to a correct one (dynamic
>>)? Or any workarounds?
>> I believe this can be the problem: if ofono managed to get an IP
>> address, likely with at+cgpaddr and/or at+cgcontrdp,
>> then it passes it to connman, and then it is set on the interface...
>> static, with no lease expiration.
> There are two devices for the SARA-R4 modem, /dev/ttyUSB0 is used for
> QMI which is currently using as default protocol. /dev/ttyUSB1 is for
> AT, let me know if you like to check AT command, I have never tried to
> write / read AT command, are the following commands correct?
> echo "at+cgpaddr" > /dev/ttyUSB1
> cat < /dev/ttyUSB1
> Thank you very much Giacinto.
> -- jupiter
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