I know there was some work on a logo, the OpenDie, but I don't know how much acceptance or support it had.

A site talking a little about it is here: http://www.prometheusgaming.com/


On 8/10/06, Markus Wilkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm completely new, not only to this list, but also to Open
Gaming Content.  Well, new in the regards of getting into
publishing Open Game Content.

For reasons I won't go into, my company isn't interest in
the d20 license, but we are interested in the open game
license.  While d20 has a nice, fancy logo, open game content
does not.  If there is a logo, I have not found it, and it
isn't on the www.opengamingfoundation.org website.

Thus, I've created one.  Before we start telling everyone
in the world about it, I wanted to get the input of this
group.  Is a logo needed?  Is there already a logo, and I
just don't know about it?

If there is a need and one does not exist, please take a
moment to look at the logo that Tower Ravens has created
and is licensing under OGL v1.0a.


Let me know what you think.  If I've committed a faux
pas, please set flamethrowers to stun.

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