On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 06:12:17AM -0700, S'orlok Reaves wrote:
> Okay! I've abused my .htaccess powers again to create
> a Java Web Start demo; this is leaps and bounds above
> the applet ---even though it's STILL an applet. Figure
> that one out. Or, click on:
> http://fmf.ohrdev.com/files/webdemo.jnlp
> (Note that the link from the main page now points
> here.)
> Adam, Kiz, and Bob, could I ask you to test this link
> for me?
> I've tested this on four computers. All will load the
> program. One won't load any games. I have no clue why.
> But I hope and pray that Adam's laptop WILL load
> games. And then if some poor lost soul can load
> neither, I'll manage another solution.
> Thanks again,
> -->Seth

On my Mac, it runs SLOOOOOW
On my Linux box (which is where I tested it last time) it seems to run 

I did notice three problems that probably have nothing to do with the 
distribution format.

1) Keys on the game selection meny are flakey. You often have to hit the 
buttons several times to get it to choose a game
2) Keys in the win/lose/run menu for battles are flakey. A single button 
press often moves the selection two or three times.
3) When I pressed ESC or click cancel while walking around on the map 
(expecting the menu) it said "Error on Key Input, input == null!"

James Paige
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