aheinecke added inline comments.


> aacid wrote in formwidgets.cpp:310
> sure, if allowfillforms is false, we will call setCanBeFilled with false and 
> it will be setEnabled to false.
> What I am asking is why do we need to call isReadOnly here. As far as i 
> understand if the field is readonly, it won't be shown, so the enabled status 
> of it doesn't matter, no?

Oh, Sorry. I misunderstood your first comment and thought you questioned the 
need for the allowFillForms in general.

As for the read only check according to git blame this check was added ( 
<https://phabricator.kde.org/R223:8e70c16f12c83778ec5ad08cdc6ac563be3b5f35> ) 
at a time where readOnly fields were visible but disabled and now that they are 
invisible it should indeed no longer be needed.

I tried to think of a way how a readOnly field could / should be visible but 
disabled and also can't think of a way. I'll remove the check.

  R223 Okular


To: aheinecke, #okular
Cc: aacid, michaelweghorn, ngraham

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