tobiasdeiminger added a comment.

  @sander Here's a bit of explanation how I understand it. Maybe you can 
extract comments / commit message / documentation from it.
  "ctrl+s" saves a modified PDF to file, and then uses "hot-swap" (43a3756e1 
for reload. Hot-swapping replaces in-memory core document data, while leaving 
the UI unaffected (stay at current page, don't reload rasterized page images).
  Each Page object has a list of rectangular areas (Page::m_rects), that 
indicate where the UI must be sensitive for mouse-over and click. The 
rectangles refer to different objects, like annotations and actions. In the 
case of PDF links, a generator is supposed to setup these rectangular areas as 
ObjectRect::Action and push them into a Page via Okular::Page::setObjectRects.
  PDFGenerator deferrers link setup. Initially on document load, links are 
cleared and empty. Link setup is postponed until a page is first rendered with 
PDFGenerator::image. Page rendering happens on-demand (depending on PageView 
scroll position, thumbnails preview, ...) and is async und unrelated to 
document loading. The first render request for a page causes all links for that 
page to be setup. The PDFGenerator has a bit array rectsGenerated to remember 
which page has already been setup with links (one bit per page).
  In the bug, Page::m_rects was empty after hot-swapping, because PDFGenerator 
depends on PDFGenerator::image to generate them. But PDFGenerator::image did 
not happen, as it is deliberately not tied to hot-swap. So the links are 
potentially never generated.
  Some more details on hot-swapping: Document::swapBackingFile calls 
Generator::swapBackingFile to generate new Page models. It then moves the 
d-Pointer and most inner content of the new (temporary) pages into the 
previously existing Page objects. The existing Page objects are kept intact, 
because they're referenced by UI. Most old data is deleted, but few things like 
Page::m_pixmaps and Page::m_boundingBox are preserved from the former Pages. 
Most interestingly, link rectangles in Page::m_rects are replaced with the new 
m_rects from Generator.

  R223 Okular


To: aacid
Cc: tobiasdeiminger, sander, okular-devel, ngraham, aacid

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