I retitled this thread and put it on Cooker mailing list rather than personal e-mail hopefully to reduce confusion and get everything in one thread going forward. I have been CC-ing Colin on some things because I'm under the impression he has had difficulty getting e-mails through mailing lists.

On 10/09/2016 06:08 PM, Raphaël Jadot wrote:

Since Anurag migrated the ml, it has changed, big big wiki is updated, but apparently the new code doesn't work for Ben while it works for me :/

I guess then there are 2 issues:

1. No one gets e-mails notifications from bugzilla through om-qa-alerts though this did at one time work and work well.

A. Regrettably this issue seems to have slowed down participation in solving bugs on our Bugzilla.

B. This or something also used to publish every new bug on #openmandriva-cooker IRC. A number of developers professed that this was very helpul. This disappearing also may have lead to lack of participation in solving bugs. Especially timely participation.

2. Me not being able to login to http://ml.openmandriva.org/mailman/admin/om-qa-alerts_ml.openmandriva.org <http://ml.openmandriva.org/mailman/admin/om-qa-alerts_ml.openmandriva.org>

A. This just inconveniences me and leaves us with one less person to do admin chores. As matters stand the real brains of the organization have access so no great loss. I really would like to know how and why this has happened though??? I was kinda joking about being blacklisted. I think. =-O

Don't know if they are/aren't related. When was the ML migrated? Was that at the time om-qa-alerts stopped working? As I *recall* though both issues started about the same time. Was this around the time when our bugzilla version was updated? Did both migration and bugzilla update happen around the same time frame?

Ben Bullard
OpenMandriva-QA Team

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