Hi Jon,

Your first step -> copy Nagios files - is not the best idea. Do you have so
many classical configured Nagios checks?

Migration looks at my systems this way.
- integrate all files from /etc/check_mk/conf.d and
/etc/check_mk/multisite.d/ to the new OMD side - at this step i don't
overwrite the files, i merge these files
- copy the autocheck files from /var/lib/check_mk/autochecks to your OMD if
you don't want to inventories all hosts again
- copy your Nagios state files to the site that the system is starting with
the last state from the old system
- copy only the plugins what are not included in OMD to
- replace all $USER1$ with $USER2$ if the plugin is inside the ~/local/
- generate a new check_mk configuration with cmk -R inside your OMD site
and test if all is working

What is not described here is the migration of PNP data. These depends on
the system architecture and storage format of your PNP data.

Best regards

<firesk...@web.de> schrieb am Mi., 5. Okt. 2016 um 14:04 Uhr:

> OMD omd-2.11.20161004-labs-edition
> Nagios 3.5
> Checkmk  1.2.6p12
> Hello Community,
> Where trying to migrate from our Nagios/Check_mk system to OMD.
> I think the most business is done with copy&paste some config files.
> Here is my approach:
> Change to instance  OMD[mysite] with sudo su - mysite
> Nagios Files:
> Cfg Files: Copy all cfg Files  and the ( nagios.cfg)  from old nagios
> folder   /etc/mysite  to  /etc/nagios/ and ~conf.d
> Plugins:
> Copy all PLugins from usr\local\nagios\libexec to
> ~/local/lib/nagios/plugins
> Change the owner to omd standard mysite:mysite
> check_mk Files:
> OMD[mysite]:~/etc/check_mk
> i don't know exaclty which i should replace and which should be kept.
> I will be great if someone can give me some advices which files are
> crtitical or shouldnt replaced with the old ones.
> regards john
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