Dumb question - is your FreeBSD frame size jumbo? 

Also, try this on OmniOS:

ipadm set-prop -p send_buf=1048576 tcp
ipadm set-prop -p recv_buf=1048576 tcp

And see if that helps if the frame size isn't smaller on OmniOS.


Sent from my iPhone (typos, autocorrect, and all)

> On Oct 11, 2016, at 1:53 PM, Martin Waldenvik <walden...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on a problem I have. I'm using 
> lftp sftp a lot and it is very slow.  I can work around that sometimes by 
> using another server. But I am also using zrep (using ssh) to replicate my 
> pool to a backup server. This is also slow. Transfer is about 40 megabyte 
> (omnios  to omnios). When doing this on freebsd it is about 100 megabyte and 
> it saturates my gigabit link (freebsd to freebsd). Same hardware.
> I'm using the latest Omios LTS release and openssh. Is there any way to speed 
> this up on Omnios?
> Regards
> Martin
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