On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Rob Weir <apa...@robweir.com> wrote:
> It might be worth describing how national language projects and the
> OpenOffce NLC has worked in the past.  I think this would be
> educational for our Apache mentors to understand a little of what they
> do.  It is much more than just translation.  They are almost more like
> affiliate organizations that promote OpenOffice in their countries.,
> They are the "face of OOo" in their respective countries.  But you
> could explain it better than me.
> A top level question for is is how we see this mapping to the Apache
> project.  The two extremes are:
> 1) Move all of this into the Apache project.  All 100+ translation
> projects, country marketing projects, etc.
> 2) Have the national language projects run outside of Apache.  Since
> anyone can modify the code we released and repackage it and distribute
> it, it should be possible for any party to independently add
> translations and even rename it for distribution in their country.  Of
> course, while respecting the license and trademark requirements.

I really like the idea number 2.

At least in Brazil, we used to have a lot of traffic on our native
language mailing list, and a lot of people raising their hands to help
with a lot of things. A big part of the BR community here don't speak
english, so they may only contribute when they have a place to discuss
on our native language (I really dislike the idea to have some folks
acting as a language proxy for the whole community). There are also
many particularities on how each country's community do their
collaborative work and how they're organized.

As far as the Apache licence and trademarks policy are respected by
the "national languages" teams, I believe that we could have a better
dinamic on the whole process if we go for something like Rob's idea



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