On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton
<dennis.hamil...@acm.org> wrote:
> I think this is extremely important and I'm embarrassed that I missed it.
> I'm also thinking that we need an ooo-user list pretty soon.

In the incubation proposal we said that we would not be requesting a
ooo-user list, but would instead be going for phpBB user forums.  But
that was then, now is now.

OOo has a user list and a user forum, which you can find here:

http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/ (That is just the
English language one. There are others )

and here:


It looks like the forums get the far greater level of activity.  But
it would be good to quantify that.  In any case, I think the activity
level is high enough (forums claim 97 users online at the forums at
this instant, and 42 active threads today alone) that  I think it
would be inappropriate for users who want to post a questions and
check back the next day for an answer.

But lists might be good for other kinds of things.

Does anyone see a difference other than the obvious difference of
technology, between the OOo user list and the forums?  Are they being
used for different kinds of things?  Or are they just different ways
of doing the same things?


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