Then the choices are:

The title ought to be "Apache (incubating)", correct?


On Jul 8, 2011, at 4:07 PM, Danese Cooper wrote:

> It isn't just a matter of who gets more hits on Google. In 2000, the 
> OpenOffice name was not trademarkable worldwide (and probably still is not) 
> without the .org. OTOH, the ASF doesn't normally seek to register all it's 
> trademarks worldwide because of cost (in the US, first use of a mark is 
> significant enough)...but if Oracle is transferring it's trademarks to the 
> ASF (and if it's the worldwide trademark, then it's worth about $350,000 
> USD), then we're back to dealing with the .org, I'm afraid.
> Danese
> Kay Shenk wrote:
> -Yeah, once upon a time, when you did a search on "Open Office", the *other* 
> office suite, whoever owned this brand, came up (like maybe 6+ years ago). 
> Now it doesn't, but we should ascertain the status or history of this before 
> changing the product/brand name I think, just to be safe.

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