My preference has nothing to do with blogs, it is purely a naming and branding issue. Formally, was always written as by those who knew, but colloquially/informally it was always talked about as OpenOffice. I agree we need to maintain ties with the legacy and history of, but the removal of the .org isn't going to jeopardise that.


On 09/07/11 12:55, Javier Sola wrote:
Why does the name need to be changed? Is there any value in adding "Apache" to the name?

I really think that the name is one of the most important assets of the project at this time.

We have spent quite a lot of effort in the last few years promoting the OpenOffice (or OpenOffice,org) name, to the point that it is part of the approved IT policies of some countries.

I have worked to get OpenOffice into the textbooks of two countries... and it would be a pain to explain to them now that Apache OpenOffice or Apache Office will be installed instead, even if it is the same thing... It was exactly the same problem as changing to LibreOffice, the name is a key reason not to change.

If there is a technical problem with blogs... then it should be solved technically, not by changing the name of the product.


Pavel Janík wrote:
Why? Out of the folk on the OOo forum who expressed an opinion to me, no one liked it. It was a perpetual reminder that the product couldn't be called what they really wanted it to be called: OpenOffice. I greatly prefer Apache OpenOffice to Apache

The product and the project WAS If we want to change it, then why not directly Apache Office?

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