On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 12:28 AM, Eike Rathke <o...@erack.de> wrote:

> Hi IngridvdM,
> On Tuesday, 2011-08-02 20:17:52 +0200, IngridvdM wrote:
> > >The Hg archive should simply replicate the current structure at OOo,
> > >also for ease of adding in pending CWSs as branches, so a separate l10n
> > >repository.
> > >
> > Another good argument to separate l10n from trunk was given in an
> > earlier thread: This way it is easier for developers to get only
> > what they will need usually and spare the extra time and space.
> >
> > I think this is a good argument and I wonder whether we shouldn't be
> > prepared to identify more such stuff - for example the binfilter.
> The problem with binfilter is that it depends on modules not in
> binfilter, changing them incompatibly may entail changes necessary to
> binfilter, those changes should be in one changeset, which I think is
> not possible when not in trunk, insights anyone?
well binfilter is maybe not the best example because in the long term we
should think about the elimination of binfilter completely. Announcing the
end of life of these filters, then allow the import only for some time and
the next step is to drop it ...


>  Eike
> --
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