Hi Rob and all,

On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 1:48 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
> You also have other options which would require greater coordination
> with the Apache, including moving the forums into the AOOo project.  I
> prefer that option, but this is not my decision.  This is something
> that the forum volunteers will need to discuss and reach consensus on.

I like that option, too.
I am going to ask (in English :) ) non-English (means English is not
their native language) speaking volunteers (admins and moderators in
ES, FR, HU, IT, JA, NL, PL, VI and ZH Community forums) what they
think about the migration and see if we, volunteers, can make

> We need consensus of both the forum volunteers and
> consensus of the PPMC.  But this consensus needs to start from a
> concrete proposal.

I see. The contents of the proposal are up to us, volunteers, you said.
And you listed the questions [1] you would like to see covered.
[1] http://markmail.org/message/k6kmrjrqkzs4cpay

> Could you work with the other forum volunteers to put together a
> proposal that you all agree on?

OK. I will ask them.
It will take time to discuss, reach consensus and make a proposal.

All, can you wait?

I am a slow reader and a slow writer.
Long and complicated English is a barrier.
Short and simple English is a bridge.
Please be friendly to non-English speakers on lists.
Slow down.  Make it short.  Make it simple.
No hurry.  Read it again before you post.
Then post it tomorrow.

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