2011/9/28 Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@googlemail.com>

> Hi,
> i am not really new here and be one of the initial committers but i would
> take the opportunity to let you know that i got the chance to work fulltime
> on the project in the future as an IBM employee.

Hi Jurgen, great to see you coming back into the project and learning about
your new career.

> After 14 years with Sun and Oracle and working on the OOo project since the
> beginning i was affected by the announcement of Oracle earlier this year in
> several ways. The project where i has spent a lot of work and energy into
> it
> was dropped in a somewhat unclear future including the team in HH. And i
> had
> to confess that i felt in some kind of a hole and thought it would be time
> for a longer break. But with the grant of the source code to the Apache
> foundation it rose at least the chance for the project to continue and
> become an independent project under the well accepted Apache foundation. I
> thought ok, Apache not TDF or any other institution but it's Oracles
> decision and it's now up to the community to continue the project. That was
> the reason why i joined the AOO project early without knowing what i will
> do
> tomorrow from a professional perspective. I spent a lot of time in the
> summer to relax and thinking about the future of the project, my
> occupational career etc. In the end i accepted the offerig by IBM and i am
> really happy that i can now continue the work on the project.
> I will focus on making the project Apache conform first and to make a
> binary
> release available asap. I will help by the integration of changes made for
> Symphony that will definitely bring the project forward (e.g.
> IAccessiblity2) and of course i will continue with all the other work that
> i
> have done in the past for the project.
> There are a lot of things to do where we need a lot of volunteers helping
> the project to grow in the future. I really hope that over time we can
> reunify the 2 projects AOO and LibreOffice from a technical perspective and
> can share at least a common code base. From my point of view the reasons
> for
> the fork are not longer valid and it should be possible to continue one
> project, one office together. That doesn't mean that the TDF should stop
> their work, i really respect it and they achieved a lot in the short time.
> But from a technical perspective it doesn't make sense to split the
> resources in 2 groups working on more or less the same thing. It is still
> early enough to reunify the code base and use the well known brand
> OpenOffice for a binary release. It would be the best choice for our users.
> The good thing at Apache is that all contributors are more or less equal
> and
> it is important what they do. A good chance for all who simply want to
> bring
> the project forward without too much politic in the background. The focus
> should be our users and an easy to use office productivity suite for all.
> Juergen

*Alexandro Colorado*
*OpenOffice.org* Español
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