On 28.09.2011 17:32, Pedro F. Giffuni wrote:
> I don't like the patches because I can't really examine well
> the code, besides this is something the VCS handles acceptably:
> commit the original sourcecode and then apply the patches in a
> different commit. If we start with up to date versions there
> would not be much trouble.

I'm not against unpacking the tarballs and applying the patches, but we
should keep the patches somewhere so that updates could be done with the
same effort as today.

Another advantage of unpacking the tarballs: the patches will become
*real* patches that just contain changes of the original source code.
Often the patches nowadays contain additional files that we just need to
build the stuff in OOo (e.g. dmake makefiles) - they could be checked in
as regular files.

Currently keeping them as regular files is awkward because then they
need to be copied to the place the tarballs are unpacked to.


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