
If you register on the site (recommended), and are logged in, 
you will find something amazing at

Those are not all of the lists.  There are, in addition, 15 pages of Projects 
(146 total), 
<>.  (Be logged in to view this too.)

The Native Language (NL) projects appear to be here too.

I believe that the static content has been captured.  Kay Schenk can report 
whether she has captured them all.

Nothing about the interactive aspects such as mailing lists and the community 
efforts is being sustained or salvaged as far as I know. 

There seem to be three aspects here:

 1. These deserve pruning.  Our alternative, so far, has been to add two 
mailing lists to ooo-* @i.a.o.  

 2. No one able to handle preparation, staging, and figuring out what to 
install and administer to continue on Apache infrastructure has stepped forward 
at AOOo.  It is not clear who has the keys to those operations.  When Terry 
Ellison was working to provide a migration of the MediaWiki setup and the 
Forums services onto Apache Infrastructure, he reported that he had no capacity 
to add this under his wing.  No one else with knowledge of this kind of service 
has been identified.

 3. It would be great if there were some energetic body, similar to the Forums 
squad, that could step in and find a way to embrace and sustain what is still 
important as part of the ecosystem.  

I don't have anything constructive to offer beyond pointing at the burning 

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Shane Curcuru [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 16:45
Subject: Migration: any plans to preserve mailing list archives?

Are there any plans to preserve archives of any existing @oo.o mailing 
lists?  I didn't see a treatment of archives on the planning page:

Obviously any mailing lists hosted at Apache will use the normal 
mail-archive.a.o system, but I was wondering if there's any plan or need 
for somehow preserving the past archives of lists.

I'd certainly like to review some of the past lists, especially the 
marketing/branding and strategy ones.  I could imagine that a number of 
the developer lists might also be valuable for future reference as well.

- Shane

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