Am 10/25/2011 07:58 PM, schrieb Rob Weir:
On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Dave Fisher<>  wrote:
I wonder if this is too technically detailed.

Since the recipient is a ML user that impact should be noted near the top.

The information about what the ASF / podling process is all about should be at 
the end.

The feedback we received when we sent an earlier list migration note
to the users and discuss list, after we initially set up ooo-users,
was along the lines of "Who the hell are you and why is this the first
we are hearing about the migration?".  That is why I put the
introductory ASF stuff at the top, to put it in context.

Of course, doing that could lead people to ignore the note, thinking
there is nothing important in it.  So that's why I started by saying
the note was important.  But I realize that that itself could increase
the chance of the email being ignored,  since emails that say they are
important rarely are.

So how can we have both an good intro as well as get a high response rate?

There will be always a number of people that will not do what you (we) would expect. So, we should try to make it best as possible. IMHO the draft is that.

Maybe split this into two emails, and space them a week apart?  So one
email that is the intro, gives the background on the Incubation, the
migration effort, etc.  Short and sweet.  They might actually read it.
  Then follow a week later with "As we previously mentioned in our note
last week....  We're starting the list migration now. To join the new
list you will need to...."

Would that be better?

Maybe. But then the first mail should contain something like "... today we want to explain who we are, where the OOo project is going to and what will happen with this ML in x days. A second mail will be sent with more details and techncial stuff ...".

Information here to go to find out about AOOo release plans would be helpful. A 
wiki page with updates.

We have a release plan?   I suppose we can put a placeholder page.

A link to the ooo blog.

Good idea.

Yes, some more links for the normal user.

Maybe also include on every post a link to the ooo-dev and ooo-users
lists, since those are our main ones.


On Oct 25, 2011, at 5:57 AM, Rob Weir wrote:

On the wiki here:

Feel free to make changes directly on the wiki, or suggest them as
responses to this note.  I don't think we want to overburden the
reader with a recitation of migration facts, but instead motivate them
to take the desired actions.  But since this will be for many the
first note they officially receive from the PPMC, it should probably
have some introductory information, and a welcome and invitation to
get involved (stay involved) with the project.


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