
On 2011-12-24, at 05:23 , Ross Gardler wrote:

> Sorry Sally
> It's just a heads up about the potential issue of multi-lingual press
> releases from AOO. The first instance will be the milestone release in Q1
> 2012, so no rush.

Indeed. It's the end of the year, I have some time to catch up on emails, and 
that means: think ahead!

> Looking further into the future there may be situations when a national
> group will want to do their own release.

Quite. And I would just nuance it: it's not about nations, which organize on 
the ground resources to help users and contributors but about language, which 
in diaspora floats above political boundaries, at least in theory, if not in 
fact. (In fact, it articulates empire.)

I would actually be rather interested to see if ASF would even look to this 
podling as an experiment of sorts, that may be applied to other more or less 
similar projects. What would be applied: the linguistic float and the PR 
process. Mind I do not wish to usurp Apache's hierarchical structure; I see 
that as reasonable and logical.


> Ross
> Sent from my mobile device, please forgive errors and brevity.
> On Dec 24, 2011 10:14 AM, "Sally Khudairi" <sallykhuda...@yahoo.com> wrote:

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