Am Samstag, 28. Januar 2012 schrieb imacat <>:
> On 2012/01/27 00:48, Rob Weir said:
>> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Raphael Bircher <>
>>> Am 26.01.12 16:53, schrieb Rob Weir:
>>>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 3:35 PM, Graham Lauder<>
>>>>> On Thursday 26 Jan 2012 02:50:20 Rob Weir wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 7:08 AM, Graham Lauder<>
>> That's why "hats" are so important.  See the section "Individuals
>> compose the ASF" here"
>    Sorry that it took me several days to respond.  It's Chinese New
> Year holiday here, and you are sending long, long English mails. ^^;
>    I have to disappoint those that hope it be only the personal view of
> a single person.  I kind of agree that IBM needs to clarify its role on
> this question:  "Why is an IBM-hatted person announced Apache OpenOffice
> 4?"

I think it was more a further public commitment that IBM is working on the
promised contribution of Smphony code into Apache OpenOffice in a 4.0
timeframe. IBM can't really announce a 4.0 version, it will be the
community who will decide and finally vote on it.

Or, put it in another way, should I forward this message to our
> local OpenOffice community, and tell them "this great Apache OpenOffice
> 4 news came from IBM"?  "The release schedule of Apache OpenOffice 4?  I
> believe IBM has one."

We don't have a final schedule for 4.0 but you should have noticed that we
have already started to collect stuff for a 4.0 and that all community
members are invited to contribute to this efforts.
But at the moment our primary goal is to release a 3.4 version.

But hey if you think you can do something that either help us to move
forward on the 3.4 or even a 4.0 then simply start working on it and let us

I personally think it would be great to have a bigger 4.0 release quite
fast after a 3.4 with some nice features. Either from Symphony or
completely new. It would help to show that AOO is a living project and able
to deliver a good product.

>    I have a lot respect to Rob, Donald and many of you here for your
> continuous work and time in the past year.  I have a lot respect to IBM
> for its contribution to Apache OpenOffice.  I welcome your work on PMC.
>  But that's a different thing.
>    So, is there a non-IBM person in planning this whole AOO4 thing?
> How to know and how to participate for us non-IBMers

By simply start working on something. If you don't know what, start a
discussion on the mailing list and ask. Don't wait that somebody will
exactly tell you what you should do.
Or join an ongoing discussion and pick some work items from there if you
think you can help working on this.
We have so many things to do, that everybody who is interested can find
something that is appropriate to the skills they have.

Just start doing it.


PS: with limited time anf net access over the weekend ;-)

> --
> Best regards,
> imacat ^_*' <>
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