On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 2:15 AM, imacat <ima...@mail.imacat.idv.tw> wrote:
> On 2012/01/27 00:48, Rob Weir said:
>> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Raphael Bircher <r.birc...@gmx.ch> wrote:
>>> Am 26.01.12 16:53, schrieb Rob Weir:
>>>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 3:35 PM, Graham Lauder<g.a.lau...@gmail.com>
>>>>> On Thursday 26 Jan 2012 02:50:20 Rob Weir wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 7:08 AM, Graham Lauder<g.a.lau...@gmail.com>
>> That's why "hats" are so important.  See the section "Individuals
>> compose the ASF" here"
>    Sorry that it took me several days to respond.  It's Chinese New
> Year holiday here, and you are sending long, long English mails. ^^;

Happy New Year!

I know I miss my co-workers in Beijing as well. I hope they all come
back rested and ready for more fun !

>    I have to disappoint those that hope it be only the personal view of
> a single person.  I kind of agree that IBM needs to clarify its role on
> this question:  "Why is an IBM-hatted person announced Apache OpenOffice
> 4?"  Or, put it in another way, should I forward this message to our
> local OpenOffice community, and tell them "this great Apache OpenOffice
> 4 news came from IBM"?  "The release schedule of Apache OpenOffice 4?  I
> believe IBM has one."

We did not announce Apache OpenOffice 4.0.   We spoke to an IBM
conference, in front of IBM customers and business partners, and told
them what we are interested in contributing to Apache OpenOffice 4.0.

Note that these 4.0 feature ideas were shared with the community 20 days ago:



What 4.0 looks like will be depend on what all of us contribute.  Not just IBM.

It is true that most of the ideas for 4.0 features have come from IBM
employees.  But this does not prevent anyone else from listing things
they want to work on.  The wiki is open for anyone to add to.  In
fact, I'm a little disappointed that more project members have not
proposed things for AOO 4.0.

>    I have a lot respect to Rob, Donald and many of you here for your
> continuous work and time in the past year.  I have a lot respect to IBM
> for its contribution to Apache OpenOffice.  I welcome your work on PMC.
>  But that's a different thing.
>    So, is there a non-IBM person in planning this whole AOO4 thing?
> How to know and how to participate for us non-IBMers?

A few ideas:

0) In general, how does a feature get into a release? Obviously
someone needs to offer to do the work.  So those who have ideas and
are willing to implement them are invited to list them on the wiki.
The more people that do that, the more accurate our 4.0 plan will be.

1) Start with the wiki link above, and add the things that you want to work on.

2) I also started a page for AOO 4.1 ideas:

3) If you attend a conference and can present on AOO, then please do
this.  It is good for the project if members give updates at
conferences.  Just make sure you are speaking for yourself, not
officially for the project.  So things like "Here is a snapshot of
current proposals for AOO 4.0 from the project wiki" or "Here are the
things I'm looking to contribute to AOO".  No one can say for certain
what is in AOO until we (and the IPMC) vote on a release.  So all we
can talk about know are proposals.

> --
> Best regards,
> imacat ^_*' <ima...@mail.imacat.idv.tw>
> PGP Key http://www.imacat.idv.tw/me/pgpkey.asc
> <<Woman's Voice>> News: http://www.wov.idv.tw/
> Tavern IMACAT's http://www.imacat.idv.tw/
> Woman in FOSS in Taiwan http://wofoss.blogspot.com/
> OpenOffice.org http://www.openoffice.org/
> EducOO/OOo4Kids Taiwan http://www.educoo.tw/

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