Hi Rob,

I am a new comer of Symphony and did test job nearly 4 months.
Now I am focus on automation test of AOO.

2012/3/12 Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org>

> I jest,of course.
> But seriously, there are some claiming that "all" of the
> OpenOffice.org project went over to LibreOffice and that the Apache
> has zero experience with this code base.  I know this sounds crazy,
> but how can we best refute that statement?
> Here's my idea:  Respond to this note and tell me how many years
> experience you have working with OpenOffice.  This could be in any
> capacity, as a coder, tester, documentation, marketing, forum
> volunteer, whatever.  Please count relevant work with related
> projects, such as Symphony, BSD ports, OOo4Kids, ODF, etc. as well.
> How many years were you doing this before the project came to Apache?
> If I get a good number of responses I'll put together an infographic on
> this.
> Regards,
> -Rob

Best wishes.


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