As said by several ones, let the code speak...
As long as there is no release, it will be too easy to say: "look, there is nothing 
concrete yet after so many months of incubation".

What would be the metrics to measure all these figures? To compare with what?
How much energy put into this for what result?

The best answer IMHO is a stable release, focused on quality first.
And with as less negative impact for users as possible (like what, extensions 


Le Mon, 12 Mar 2012 08:50:13 -0400, Rob Weir <> a écrit :

I jest,of course.

But seriously, there are some claiming that "all" of the project went over to LibreOffice and that the Apache
has zero experience with this code base.  I know this sounds crazy,
but how can we best refute that statement?

Here's my idea:  Respond to this note and tell me how many years
experience you have working with OpenOffice.  This could be in any
capacity, as a coder, tester, documentation, marketing, forum
volunteer, whatever.  Please count relevant work with related
projects, such as Symphony, BSD ports, OOo4Kids, ODF, etc. as well.
How many years were you doing this before the project came to Apache?

If I get a good number of responses I'll put together an infographic on this.



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