
I have setup a wiki page in order to provide/collect the status of the translation of specific languages [1].

I also linked this wiki page from our AOO 3.4 Release Plan cwiki page [2].

Does it makes sense to have such a wiki page?
If yes, please provide further data/information.

Please provide further data/information.

Initially I put in the following data from my memory:
-- As far as I know the strings for the user interface for Portuguese (Brazilian) are complete (currently not reflected on the Pootle server, but in the svn repository) - I do not the status for the help for Portuguese (Brazilian). -- Zoltan stated in a post that the user interface strings for Hungarian are also complete, but I do not know, if some of this work is lost due to the fact that the Pootle server was not up to date. -- I have see work on Finnish - issue 119066. It looks like that not all survived the Pootle server update. I have reopened the issue in order to indicate that a review is needed. Thanks.

[1] http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Translation_for_AOO_3.4_-_Status
[2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+3.4+Release+Plan

Thanks in advance, Oliver.

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