Hi all,
Statusupdate for the 103 files still not in the SGA:
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Agenda:
    // : Comments as usual
    1st column:
        OK Can be added to the rat excludes
        ?? Not cleared
        GR Should be added to the grant (SGA)
        RM not used, can me removed from trunk
        AL under ALv2
    2nd column: filename

// hdu taking a look currently
// solution: removed
RM acinclude.m4

// GPL, but special entry there (see af's mail) :
//# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
//# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
//# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
//# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
// thus can be kept and should be added to rat excludes
// Still: A case for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-130
OK config.guess
OK config.sub

// Header contains license identical to BSD without advertising -> should be added to rat excludes
// A case for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-130
OK connectivity\qa\complex\connectivity\hsqldb\TestCacheSize.java

// FSF, contains MIT equal license -> should be added to rat excludes
// A case for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-130
OK hwpfilter\source\ksc5601.h

// Author oj 2004 -> was a SUN employee-> SUN, should be added to grant
GR connectivity\com\sun\star\sdbcx\comp\hsqldb\StorageNativeOutputStream.java

// No information, originally from http://odur.let.rug.nl/~vannoord/TextCat/, adapted by Jocelyn MERAND
// delivered in libtextcat\prj\d.lst
// used in instsetoo_native, lingucomponent, scp2 (DEFAULT_CONF_FILE_NAME)
?? libtextcat\data\new_fingerprints\

// Not in grant yet, but all from (C) SUN 2008, should be added to grant
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_connection.cxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_connection.hxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_databasemetadata.cxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_databasemetadata.hxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_driver.cxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_driver.hxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_general.cxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_general.hxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_preparedstatement.cxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_preparedstatement.hxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_propertyids.cxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_propertyids.hxx "No info, but should be same as mysqlc_propertyids.cxx"
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_resultset.cxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_resultset.hxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_resultsetmetadata.cxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_resultsetmetadata.hxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_services.cxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_statement.cxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_statement.hxx "No info, but should be same as mysqlc_statement.cxx"
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_subcomponent.hxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_types.cxx
GR mysqlc\source\mysqlc_types.hxx

// the diff itself is a SUN file under LGPL and SISSL, should be added to grant
GR mythes\mythes-1.2.0-makefile-mk.diff

// files are under triple license: NPL 1.1(category X)/GPL 2.0(category X)/LGPL 2.1(category X) // used in extensions\prj\build.lst and toolkit\src2xml\include.lst(218):../../np_sdk/unxlngi6.pro/inc (hack?)
// updated 2010 by mav, SUN/Oracle employee (in cws fwk138)
// Others added a README file containing "This folder contains Mozilla headers and source-files related to plugin development. The original version of the files were taken from Mozilla1.0 tarball."
?? np_sdk\mozsrc\LEGAL
?? np_sdk\mozsrc\jri.h
?? np_sdk\mozsrc\jri_md.h
?? np_sdk\mozsrc\jritypes.h
?? np_sdk\mozsrc\npapi.h
?? np_sdk\mozsrc\npunix.c
?? np_sdk\mozsrc\npupp.h
?? np_sdk\mozsrc\npwin.cpp

// no license information at all, looks like a self-written script to use inkscape as tool
// from the command line to convert SVG to PNG. Probably from SUN/Oracle
// no reference found with grep, can be removed. Checking, building version without that file // Originally integrated by obo (Sun employee) with CWS jimmac02 2005, thus under Sun copyright -> should be added to grant
// Checked references again, could also be removed
GR ooo_custom_images\industrial\res\commandimagelist\frobnicate-icons.php

// reportbuilder is (C) by Oracle, needs to be cleared if it's part of the sga. I see
// no reason that it is not, should be added to grant
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\layoutprocessor\OfficeGroupInstanceSectionLayoutController.java GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\layoutprocessor\OfficePageSectionLayoutController.java GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\model\OfficeGroupInstanceSection.java
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\oasis-datastyle.css
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\oasis-draw.css
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\oasis-form.css
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\oasis-style.css
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\oasis-table.css
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\oasis-text.css
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\parser\style-mapping.txt
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\smil.css
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\star-office.css
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\star-report.css
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\star-rpt.css
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\svg.css
GR reportbuilder\java\com\sun\star\report\pentaho\xsl-fo.css
GR reportbuilder\license\THIRDPARTYREADMELICENSE.html
GR reportbuilder\license\readme_en-US.html
GR reportbuilder\license\readme_en-US.txt
GR reportbuilder\prj\rpt.xml
GR reportbuilder\template\manifest.xml
GR reportbuilder\template\post.xml
GR reportbuilder\template\pre.xml
GR reportbuilder\util\component.txt
GR reportbuilder\util\description.xml
GR reportbuilder\util\manifest.xml

// originally from XConsortium, mkdepend.man contains license info (permission)
// and looks like MIT1.1 -> should be added to rat excludes
// A case for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-130
OK soltools\mkdepend\collectdircontent.cxx
OK soltools\mkdepend\collectdircontent.hxx
OK soltools\mkdepend\cppsetup.c
OK soltools\mkdepend\def.h
OK soltools\mkdepend\ifparser.c
OK soltools\mkdepend\ifparser.h
OK soltools\mkdepend\imakemdep.h
OK soltools\mkdepend\include.c
OK soltools\mkdepend\main.c
OK soltools\mkdepend\mkdepend.man
OK soltools\mkdepend\parse.c
OK soltools\mkdepend\pr.c

// No license info, filtername lists probably written by testing, thus probably SUN/Oracle, should be added to grant GR testautomation\framework\optional\input\filternames\Oracle_Open_Office_Filternames_add_en-US.txt GR testautomation\framework\optional\input\filternames\Oracle_Open_Office_Filternames_en-US.txt

// No license info, test scripting lists probably written by testing, thus probably SUN/Oracle, should be added to grant GR testautomation\framework\optional\input\help_browser\Oracle_Open_Office_help_applications_en-US.txt GR testautomation\framework\optional\input\help_browser\Oracle_Open_Office_help_content_en-US.txt GR testautomation\framework\optional\input\help_browser\Oracle_Open_Office_help_topics_en-US.txt GR testautomation\framework\optional\input\help_browser\Oracle_Open_Office_search_headings_and_whole_words_en-US.txt GR testautomation\framework\optional\input\help_browser\Oracle_Open_Office_search_headings_only_en-US.txt GR testautomation\framework\optional\input\help_browser\Oracle_Open_Office_search_whole_words_only_en-US.txt GR testautomation\framework\optional\input\help_browser\Oracle_Open_Office_search_without_filter_en-US.txt

// Copyright (C) 2007 TWAIN Working Group, e.g. available under www.twain.org/devfiles/twain.h // uses "The TWAIN License", see http://www.twain.org/license.shtm, as required there it is mentioned
// already in our NOTICE file -> should be added to rat excludes
OK twain\inc\twain.h

// Open Document Managment API, uses "OPEN DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT API LICENSE 1.0" // defined in the file. Text is equal to BSD license without advertising -> should be added to rat excludes
// A case for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-130
OK ucb\source\ucp\odma\odma.h

// orw: dual license: GPL and BSD, BSD license without advertising -> should be added to rat excludes
OK unixODBC\inc\iodbcunix.h
OK unixODBC\inc\sql.h
OK unixODBC\inc\sqlext.h
OK unixODBC\inc\sqltypes.h
OK unixODBC\inc\sqlucode.h

// in progress, see #119097#
// ydario solved this, now relicensed under ALv2
AL vcl\inc\os2\wingdi.h
AL vcl\inc\os2\xwphook.h

// (C) 1988, 1989, 1990 by Adobe Systems Incorporated, hdu is taking a look
?? vcl\unx\generic\fontmanager\parseAFM.cxx
?? vcl\unx\generic\fontmanager\parseAFM.hxx

// mixed file, (C) SUN/Oracle and Copyright (C) 2002 William Lachance
// May be GPL prtially
?? writerperfect\source\wpdimp\wpft_genericfilter.cxx

// Copyright © 2000 SuSE, Inc., license from text (see files)
// equal to MIT1.1 -> should be added to rat excludes
// A case for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-130
OK x11_extensions\inc\Xrender.h
OK x11_extensions\inc\randr.h
OK x11_extensions\inc\randrproto.h
OK x11_extensions\inc\render.h
OK x11_extensions\inc\renderproto.h

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