On 22.03.2012 10:12, Armin Le Grand wrote:

// No information, originally from
http://odur.let.rug.nl/~vannoord/TextCat/, adapted by Jocelyn MERAND
// delivered in libtextcat\prj\d.lst
// used in instsetoo_native, lingucomponent, scp2 (DEFAULT_CONF_FILE_NAME)
?? libtextcat\data\new_fingerprints\


The libtextcat version 2.2 library is under BSD license. It was released 2003 by WiseGuys Internet B.V. ([1]). No problem there.

The data files in main/libtextcat/data/new_fingerprints are of unknown origin. However, there is a LICENSE file in this directory that in all but its title is a BSD license, with the exception of this additional paragraph:

"- Neither the name of the WiseGuys Internet B.V. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission."

Therefore, I propose to assume a BSD license (category A) for the libtextcat data files.

Plan B would be to delete the additional data files and rely on the one that are shipped with the library source code.

Plan C is to create our own data files by feeding medium sized texts of each language to a tool that is shipped with the library. This tool "learns" language specific text patterns, the data files.


[1] http://software.wise-guys.nl:1080/libtextcat/index.html

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