With 1100 builds so far the ooo-site CMS instance
is only 350 builds behind www.apache.org as the
most-used CMS tree so far.  I monitor the CMS logs
daily to evaluate usage and this project publishes
about as often as all our other projects combined,
which really makes me wonder where we'd be here if
the org had never created the CMS in the first place.

The ooo-site is far and away the largest instance at
over 9GB total.  The reason I'm writing here is to
ask general questions about user satisfaction with
the CMS:

1) Is there any aspect of the CMS that needs immediate

2) Are you satisfied with the workflow, or are there areas
   that could stand improvement?

3) Is there anything that should be done to encourage more
   users who are not committers to use the CMS to submit patches
   to the list?

4) Are there any UI features you'd like to see implemented,
   either in the web interface or the publication script?

Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer a few of these!

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