+1 on the general plan. Allowing broad use of logo(s) that point to AOO, but is clearly distinct from the actual AOO product logo(s) is a great idea.

On 2012-05-28 2:16 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Rob Weir<robw...@apache.org>  wrote:
We get regular requests from individuals and companies that want to
add a link to the AOO download, and to use the logo with it.  These
range from websites of individual users, to websites that aggregate
download links for many open source projects.

Currently, requesting and receiving such permission requires a request
to the PMC, approval and then additional approval by the Apache VP

I don't think we received any feedback from Trademarks@ on this proposal.


I'd like to propose a streamlined approach where we can give blanket
permission, without an additional request, for using a specific logo
(the one that Drew designed) for a specific download situation.  If
there are no objections from the PMC, and we get a +1 from
Trademarks@, I'll write this up on the website.

=Use of the Apache OpenOffice Download Promotion Logo=

Anyone, without additional permission from this project, may use the
following logo subject to the following conditions:

The logo:  

[NB. We should move this to a more memorable location]

Yes, please; have it checked into SVN and on the main site since that's a location that all projects clearly monitor for changes and use for permanent storage.


1. The logo may not be modified except to resize it.  If translations
of the "Get it here!" text are required, send a request to the ooo-dev
list and we can provide a translated version for you.

Resizing should keep the aspect ratio. I'm less concerned (although you may want to specify) about demanding minimum and maximum pixel sizes. 8-)

Also, if folks wanted to submit and get PPMC approval of a couple of alternate versions (perhaps a wide banner-like one, and a square one) that would be useful. This is up to the project, but feel free to create other similar-ish logos that third parties can use under the same (or similar) guidelines)

2. The image must be linked to one of:

a) the http://www.openoffice.org webpage
b) one of the official Native Language pages at openoffice.org, e.g.,

Provide another example, so it's clear what the pattern is.

c) the download page for Apache OpenOffice:
http://download.openoffice.org or

3. The logo must not link to a specific download file or mirror.  This
causes problems with load balancing and fallbacks and may prevent
users from getting the latest version of OpenOffice.

Yes, this is important, both for our project purposes, as well as mirroring purposes. You might want to emphasize (just for those who have their own agenda in mind) that this logo cannot point to any other sites besides the official download/homepages of the project. (I.e. I want it to be crystal clear that using this to point to someone else's distribution site is an explicit violation, and will be dealt with).

4. Any use Apache-owned logos beyond the above is not covered by this
program an must be explicitly requested from the ASF.

Would it useful to ask third parties to email the URL to where they have posted this logo to the ooo-marketing@ list? That way, we have a sense of (most of) the places people are using this, and can spot check the uses as we have time. No explicit approval required, just sending the email is sufficient. But that's a project decision.

- Shane

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