On 6/1/12, Graham Wright <gwright2...@hotmail.es> wrote:
> On 02/06/2012 03:40, Dave Fisher wrote:
>> On Jun 1, 2012, at 7:18 PM, Jihui Choi wrote:
>>> On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Alexandro Colorado<j...@oooes.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> When you install it you agreed to open doc files in OpenOffice
>>> Basically installing AOO doesn't mean we agreed to open MS office
>>> formats in AOO.
>>> And it's supposed there's an option page to choose whether we'll open
>>> them in AOO or not.
>>> But I couldn't find any similar option. I installed AOO 3.4 twice to
>>> check this on Windows 7 32bit.
>>> It's very strange and shame. It should be checked and fixed.
>> I am unsure from your statement Choi (is it proper to use the second name
>> in conversation?) whether you were confirming the user's report.
>> If what the reporter says is true then this needs to be a bugzilla and
>> possible blocker for 3.4.1. How is this being tested on Windows? And is
>> the result that installing AOO 3.4 on it does in fact cause (or even has
>> as a default) the shifting of MS Office document types to be opened with
>> AOO instead of MS Office. If MS Office is present then this must not be
>> the the default option.
>> The check must not be implicit to the user who just clicks continue and
>> accept buttons through the WIndows installation process. Users must
>> explicitly choose to have AOO override MS Office for MS Office documents.
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> JiHui Choi
> I often wonder why somebody that has Microsoft Office would have the
> need to install Open Office anyway!
> Isn't Open Office mainly for those people who cannot afford, or who are
> unwilling to pay for Microsoft Office?

No openoffice is for people that want to SWITCH to a free software
alternative. Most people have IE and they install Mozilla Firefox.

Alexandro Colorado
OpenOffice.org Español

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