Hi ASF treasurer,

[Apache OpenOffice (incubating) community and ACEU planners on CC]

the Apache OpenOffice (incubating) community wants to spend some of its fund for ApacheCon EU (ACEU) 2012 - see the corresponding thread on ooo-dev@i.a.o [1].

We are currently discussing the granting processes - see [2].

The purpose of this post is to assure ASF's charity status and to clarify the actual spending of the money regarding our planned fund allocation. We want to spend the following money for ACEU 2012 participants from the Apache OpenOffice (incubating) community:
- 10 x 300/600 EUR for travel expense subsidy
- 30 x 100 EUR for ticket discounts for non-committers

Questions regarding assurence of charity status:
(1) Do the planned spendings violate our charity status?
(2) What do we need to consider in our planned granting processes to assure our charity status?

Questions regarding actual spending of the money:
(1) Is it possible to spend the "ticket discount" money via a special promotion code in the ACEU 2012 ticket system?
(1a) If not, do you have any recommendation how the money should be spent?

(2) What are the possibilities to spend the "travel expense subsidy" money?
(2a) Do you have a recommendation how the money should be spent?

[1] http://markmail.org/message/g6e5xqmkyq4elfqz
[2] http://markmail.org/message/k3yngrujqjgnnz4a

Thanks in advance for your support.

Best regards, Oliver.

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