On 09/25/2012 10:50 PM, Kevin Grignon wrote:
Hello All,

I've captured a series of questions for inclusion in an upcoming AOO
survey. The questions are intended to help us understand which features and
capabilities are most frequently used in the editors. Insight from this
survey will help us focus our attention on core task, and help prioritize
future effort.

I've captured the questions in a spreadsheet. Please visit the UX wiki to
download and review the questions.

*AOO Survey Templates - Task Prioritization*

I think this is a great approach at collecting information from users.

I just have one question. I see that some products, like LibreOffice, are only listed in one category, though they do have complete suites -- spreadsheet, etc. Was there any particular reason for this?

I'm not suggesting your change this. I'm just wondering why this was done.

These questions, along with others, will be included in re-usable question
packages that can be deployed in LimeSurvey, our new survey tooling. I will
send out a note on the LimeSurvey effort soon.



"Just 'cause you got the monkey off your back
 doesn't mean the circus has left town."
                    -- George Carlin

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