Rick McGuire schrieb:

> One approach would be to add an ::options directive that allows a
> package to set how the default should be handled for code within a
> package file.  You could chose it directly, or have an option that
> says essentially "use native".  Given something like this, I'm less
> opposed to pinning the default at the lower value.  This would also
> fix an issue that a lot of people complain about, that it's necessary
> to up numeric digits for every method of a class, sort of killing two
> birds with one stone.  An equivalent keyword for NUMERIC digits would
> probably be nice too.

I like this option, it is similar to Java's strictfp keyword, which
overcomes similar issues we're struggling with here. Generally, I prefer
to avoid breaking existing programs, but in the case of enhanced numeric
digits I don't see too many scenarios where it cause problems. I hit the
border of nine digits seldomly, and if it was hit, strange things
happened, like a number not getting incremented when adding 1 or so.
Such problems could be avoided (or say - delayed) when increasing the
default numeric digits to 18.

Maybe we should have a discussion what pieces of code could break
because of the changed settings, and what will work now out of the box
due to longer numbers.


PS: Sorry for my low activity - but my life leaves hardly any time for
ooRexx at the moment. Hope this will change again at some time!

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