Dear Moritz:

On 07.08.2017 15:02, Moritz Hoffmann wrote:
> without going into too much detail I would say it's hard to track down the 
> root cause just from
> the stack traces. It still looks like a memory corruption issue that you're 
> facing, especially
> because it's not a deterministic failure.
Yes, it definitely looks like it!

> I don't see why you want to call into Rexx from different Java threads. Rexx 
> has a global
> interpreter lock so you won't benefit from parallelism unless you have fully 
> independent Rexx
> instances.
The reason is simple: when employing a Java GUI, then it should be possible to 
write event handlers
in Rexx and to interact with the GUI objects from Rexx.

If an event is fired by Java, it will be fired on the GUI thread such that the 
Rexx code is able to
directly interact with the GUI objects.

If a Rexx programmer needs to interact with GUI objects from a non-GUI thread, 
then this would hang
the GUI. Rather, one needs to make sure that the Rexx interaction gets carried 
out on the GUI thread
sometimes later. This is possible by invoking Platfrom.runLater() (in JavaFX, 
SwingUtilities.invokeLater (in Java swing, the predecessor of JavaFX, cf.

It is in this scenario, executing Rexx code on the JavaFX GUI thread that leads 
to the reported and
observed crashes.

BSF4ooRexx has been quite stable for a long time including using it on multiple 
threads in parallel.

> Is the code available somewhere? Can you put it on Github or some other place 
> so people can have a
> look? (You can also create private repos there)
Yes, I just prepared it, you (and everyone interested in taking a look) can 
fetch it from my
Dropbox, which also contains a "readme.txt" file (also attached to this mail):


You would need (preferably 32-bit on Windows, because that is the ooRexx 
version that is needed if
interfacing with MS Office):

  * ooRexx 5.0beta (latest installation builds from trunk:
  * Java (64- and 32-bit can be installed in parallel): 
  * the latest BSF4ooRexx: 

You start the application by double-clicking "startTestProgressBar.rex" or 
"startTestProgressBar.rex" in a new command line window (such that the 
installation changes to the
environment are honored).

If there are any questions that I can answer, I am more than willing to try!


P.S.: "worker.rex" in this application uses a new ooRexx class named 
"FxGUIThread" (defined at the
end of "BSF.CLS") to send Rexx messages to Rexx objects (including the GUI 
proxy objects) sometimes
later on the JavaFX GUI thread.

purpose:        Demo application for using JavaFX as GUI

this URL:       

problem:        Running the application after pressing the "Start" button will 
eventually crash ooRexx


Assuming running on Windows 32-bit (32-bit mode allows ooRexx to interface with 
MS Office which usually is 32-bit)

versions:       - 32-bit 5.0beta ooRexx, e.g. 

                - 32-bit Java from Oracle: 
<>, choose "Windows Offline" (as
                                           opposed to "Windows Offline 
(64-Bit)"); note, both, 32- and 64-bit
                                           versions of Java may be installed at 
the same time!

                - latest BSF4ooRexx package from 
                  as of the writing this is its name: 

                        - download and unzip the archive

                        - switch into folder "bsf4oorexx\install\windows", 
run/double-click "install.cmd"

                          - this will copy BSF4ooRexx into 
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%" (32-bit) or into "%ProgramFiles%" (64-bit)
                            and run the installer from there

                - open a new command line window to have the new environment 
available and run the application in
                  this directory (alternatively, double click the file via 



The "startTestProgressBar.rex" application consists of the following files:

        - startTestProgressBar.rex ..... main program that will load JavaFX and 
wait until the user ends the program

        - testProgressBar.fxml ......... the XML file containing the GUI 
definitions allowing "rexx" to be used as
                                         a scripting language; the Java 
FXMLLoader will run the Rexx programs
                                         "" and 
                                         this file was created with the Java 
tool "SceneBuilder" (cf.
                                 and can be edited with it

        - ... this will "harvest" all JavaFX 
objects and save them into the ooRexx
                                         .environment under the entry "MY.APP" 
(a directory) with the entry
                                         "TESTPROGRESSBAR.FXML" (a directory) 
which stores each JavaFX object
                                         having a fx:id defined using that 
value as the key into the directory

        - testProgressBarController.rex ... this will define the event handlers 
written in Rexx that are fired
                                         by JavaFX when a button gets pressed; 
the "Start" button will cause
                                         the class method "startLongWork" of 
the Rexx class "workerClz" to run;
                                         it defines an entry "status" in to communicate with the worker
                                         methods in "worker.rex"

        - worker.rex ................... defines the Rexx class "workerClz", 
which defines the class methods
                                         "startLongWork" and "updateGUI"

The application demonstrates how one can use a JavaFX GUI with a ProgressBar 
from Rexx.


In case you wish to use a debug version of BSF4ooRexx as well, the precompiled 
32- and 64-bit debug versions for
Windows are available together with the source in "" (also 
Makefiles for all platforms).

2017-08-07l, rgf

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