Yes, I wasn't keen on arrows or '^' either :-).

But I'm even more un-keen on '&'.  <<shudder>>
How about '*', then, as being still being one of the two ends of the C

I'm even less keen on using *. Now that C++ allows you to declare arguments
as being references rather than pointers, I've been moving away from using
pointers as arguments.  
 A resemblance to exec2 is not that strong of an argument when you consider
a large portion of the ooRexx users have never even heard of the language.


That really isn't true .. almost all ooRexx users are Rexx users, mostly ex-
(or current) mainframers.

 And it's not like every variable is going to suddenly acquiring a leading
'&'. This will generally be used in a few selective place, such as
situations where you wish to return multiple values back from a call or

However or wherever it is used it would be inexplicable, and if it is used
only rarely then it would be even more baffling when it appears.  What does
the 'and' operator have to do with references?  
This would be a classic example of a bewildering notation that makes a
language inscrutable.  When seen, users would be forced to open the manual
to figure out what it does.   In short: maybe a nice addition to Perl, but
it has no place in a Rexx language.
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