This raises all sorts of issues as to what is getting returned, how to
handle mismatches in assignment values and the fact that any errors can
only get detected at the point of return. I don't really see this as being
a very clean change.


On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 10:10 AM, Rony G. Flatscher <
> wrote:

> On 13.04.2018 09:48, Erich Steinböck wrote:
> This will generally be used in a few selective place, such as situations
>> where you wish to return multiple values back from a call or method
> A neat way to return multiple values might be a syntax like this:
>     r1, r2, .. = function(a1, a2, ..)
> with function using
>     return r1, r2, ...
> The return statement in ooRexx 5.0 beta would return an array in the above
> case already, containing the values to be returned.
> How about then to generalize the idea to allow "multiple assignments" from
> orderable collections?
> E.g.
> v1,v2,...=function(a1,a2,...)  -- as per Erich's suggestion
> ... but then also in general: ...
> arr=r1,r2,... -- define array (an orderable collection, could be a List, a 
> Queue,
> v1,v2,...=arr   -- multiple assignment in the collection's order
> ---rony
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