This past year there have been many remarkable changes (performance 
improvements from 1.2x to 20x
times, memory management, multi threading) and additions (ADDRESS...WITH, 
variable references) to
ooRexx 5.0 beta, which already was great with respect to valuabel and new 
features a year ago!

Judging from my work on BSF4ooRexx and ooRexx projects, ooRexx 5.0beta has 
become stabler, faster
and more versatile than the almost five years old ooRexx 4.2.0 (release date: 
February 2014).

Therefore, I think, it is time to create a release version of ooRexx 5.0beta, 
such that companies
and organisations become able to install and take advantage of it! (As long as 
software is dubbed
"beta" it usually does not get deployed for professional purposes in 

So I suggest to create a branch 5.0.0 which does not take any new features 
anymore, just bug-fixes
and materials to complete it (e.g. test units, documentation) "as fast as 
possible". (Any new
features would go to trunk only and could be used to create a 5.1 version 
shortly after the release
of 5.0.)


P.S.: After the release of 5.0 I would really suggest to create a version 5.1 
as soon as possible
thereafter, which allows ooRexx to be run without administrative privileges on 
Windows, Linux and

P.P.S.: There are many important additional features for ooRexx post 5.x like 
Unicode-support, now
that even English versions of Windows create Unicode text files by default, let 
alone international
users of ooRexx with a need for support for their culture's glyphs (also 
speeding up/simplifying
interfacing with Unicode-systems like Java, applications employing Unicode for 
which ooRexx should
serve as a scripting language, but also operating systems like Linux, MacOSX 
and Windows). Or
getting a NetRexx like catch-finally construct, or ... much, much more! :)

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