Dear P.O.,

On 19.03.2021 17:59, P.O. Jonsson wrote:
... cut ...
> Two wild guesses: is the student maybe running macOS with encryption? 

Hmm, would you have links that explain/describe about the implications of doing 

One thing I start to speculate with is Apple's security measures that incur 
side-effects for the
uninitiated (like myself in that regard) that cause this.

When installing BSF4ooRexx Apple does not allow that to proceed as the 
installation package is
unsigned and/or downloaded from the Internet. Rather she would go into System 
Preferences where
there was an item (forgot which one) that allowed her to install that very same 
BSF4ooRexx package.
If something went wrong there it may be the case that that inhibits 
finding/loading the shared
libraries from that package?

> Or use a case sensitive file system?
This should not pose a problem as BSF4ooRexx works on the case sensitive Linux 
file systems.
> This problem looks to me like a „Windows-type“ problem, i.e. I guess the OS 
> itself is rotten in
> some way. I would ask the student to reinstall macOS. And reinstall 
> BSF/ooRexx after that.
> If that is to much work try to find another machine where s/he can do the 
> same installation. If
> the problem arises again it is in his/her special setup.
> I have never once experienced something like what you describe, and I am 
> juggling many different
> ooRexx/BSF/installer/dmg versions at the same time. On an older machine using 
> hfs+ I have a
> problem with sub-second filenames but that is the only thing. And I have 
> macOS on anything from
> High Sierra to Big Sur.

Thank you very much for your feedback and ideas, which are really helpful in 
this situation!

Having experimented with new builds of the shared library (on "Big Sur") they 
all work and the
linking step creates @rpath/librexx.4.dylib, @rpath/librexxapi.4.dylib, and 
@rpath/libjvm.dylib (but
also /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib and /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib).

Not sure whether further time investments would alleviate the problem on the 
student's computer,
given your wealth of MacOS systems and experiences (will have to adapt the Mac 
installer of
BSF4ooRexx to cater for zsh, and time permitting to change the installer to 
check for the existence
of ooRexx on the system already, and if so use that ooRexx instead the one on 
board of BSF4ooRexx
and the like)!

Best regards


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